Friday, August 14, 2009

South Africa, I love thee...

I've returned from South Africa and am back at the Kings Lodge in England.
I can not even begin to express the love that I have for that country. The people... wow... some of my new dearest friends are in that country. The mountains... breathtaking. The language... so much fun to learn. The way that God is moving in the city of Worcester... incredibly visible.

I will upload more pictures soon. I still have to transfer them from another computer.
I have so much to process from this experience. So much has changed. So much has happened. I have changed. I am new. I am wiser from it. So much has changed in every sphere of my life. haha I am THRILLED with what God will do next.

Random fact that I just thought of - the album that I listened to the most in South Africa is Who We Are by Lifehouse. I'm listening to it right now. *smile*

I will be in England for another week. My flight leaves on Saturday morning, August 22. Then I will be home. HOME. Home. *smile* It is true that all things work together at the perfect time. I wasn't excited to come home until it was time. Now I can't wait to be back. It is the right time.

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8