Today marks my first full day here at The Kings Lodge. :]
After many flight delays and missing my bus, I arrived yesterday at about 4:30 in the afternoon. Jet and Edward were so welcoming and excited to see me. I got settled and we had super with the group.
Everyone I meet says something like, "Oh! You're Anna! We've been praying for you for weeks!!!" or "Anna! You've arrived! An answer to prayer right before my eyes". I'm not quite sure how to think about it all yet.
The Kings Lodge is beautiful!!! The room I'm in is lovely and has two majestic windows that overlook the front lawn. There are people here from England, America, Germany, Brazil, Korea, Malaysia, Amsterdam, among others. And someone from South Africa will be arriving later. :]
I'm excited for the opportunity to experience it all. Daan is so much fun and so easy-going. He likes my nose and my glasses the bast so far. :P It's cool because Jet confirmed what I felt during my quite time this morning; that it's ok for me to take care of myself. And in fact, that I need to value myself especially while I'm here, if only so that I can serve more wholly.
There is a man from Kentucky here and also a British Lady who lived in my neighborhood and who's husband used to teach at OSU. :] How cool is that? :]
Dinner [main meal of the day] is at 1pm (in 30 minutes) so I better go. Jet lent me a book on parenting that I am going to read through. :] Praise the Lord, it hasn't rained yet! It is so sunny and beautiful out!
Please feel free to send me a letter if you want *wink wink* the address is:
The King's Lodge
Watling Street
CV10 0TZ
Watling Street
CV10 0TZ
Have a great day! Leave me a comment so I know you read this. :)
God bless and keep my family and I in prayer!
In Him^,
Anna :]
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