Friday, December 18, 2009

Hide and Seek

When I was a little kid I ruled at the game of hide and seek.
Whenever I played I was always the winner. Most times I would have to come out and find the people who were looking for me. Whether playing inside or outside I had my secret places.

Outside there was a little hill on the side of the driveway where my Dad parked his station wagon. I could fit easily on the side of the hill, almost under the car. No one ever found me there.
Inside the house, closets were my favorite. Our bathroom closet has a little crawl-space in it that housed my little 10 year old self well.

I think I was good at hide and seek for 2 reasons. 1- I liked hiding. I was aware of where things could not be seen. I liked surprises. And I was very competitive. 2- I like being alone. Hiding provided the perfect solution.

I realized the other day that I have been hiding again.
I've been hiding from God. I've been hiding from the people around me. I've been hiding from myself. In my desperation to be alone, by myself, I had shut myself in a closet again.

But the funny thing is that I may be a decent hider, but God is the best seeker. He sees me in the back of the closet, next to the towels. He sees me on the side of the hill, under the car. He sees me under the pile of life, right next to my insecurities. He sees me.

Where are you hiding? What are you covering? Are you seen?